America 250 and Beyond: Memorializ3d™ Tours Celebrates Military History at Linwood Cemetery’s Soldier’s Plot

America 250, commemorate

Memorializ3d™ Tours, while we are focusing on commemorating Revolutionary War soldiers for the America 250 celebration, the United States Semiquincentennial, our mission is to showcase local notables and honor all military personnel with our tours.

One remarkable site we highlight is the Soldier’s Plot in Linwood Cemetery, Colchester, Connecticut. This sacred ground is a poignant tribute to the valor of Civil War soldiers, containing 31 closely positioned headstones dedicated to those who served and sacrificed.

Highlights of the Soldier’s Plot:

Commemorative Headstones: Each marker displays the soldier’s branch of service, name, regiment, company, and date of death, ensuring we remember their stories.

Historical Context:

  • 26 markers bear death dates between 1862 and 1865, the years of the Civil War. These serve as memorials for soldiers who likely died in battle, prison, or from disease and whose bodies did not return home.
  • 5 markers represent veterans who passed away between 1894 and 1912. The Colchester Post #9 of the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) assisted in their burial here due to various hardships or lack of family support.

Role of the GAR: The GAR acquired this plot and likely facilitated the acquisition of these headstones around the 50th anniversary of the Civil War. They utilized legislation from February 3, 1879, which allowed for government-issued headstones for Union soldiers interred in private cemeteries.

Connection to the Colchester Civil War Monument

  • Of the 44 soldiers the town’s Civil War monument lists, 22 rest in the Soldiers’ Plot.
  • The other 22 soldiers’ families installed personal grave markers, so the GAR focused on honoring those without such recognition.
  • Notably, we also commemorate four soldiers from Louisiana who enlisted with the Connecticut 13th Regiment; the community embraced them as honorary Colchester residents despite their never having set foot in the town.

At Memorializ3d™ Tours, we are committed to scanning and preserving important cemetery gravesites that commemorate soldiers and local notables. By digitizing these historical sites, we ensure that their stories endure for future generations. Our dedication extends beyond the America 250 celebration; we strive to honor all who have served by safeguarding their memories and making their histories accessible to all.

Ongoing Commitment:

At Memorializ3d™ Tours, we are committed to scanning and preserving important cemetery gravesites that commemorate soldiers and local notables. By digitizing these historical sites, we ensure that their stories endure for future generations. Our dedication extends beyond the America 250 celebration; we strive to honor all who have served by safeguarding their memories and making their histories accessible to all.

We are passionate about bringing these stories to life. By exploring sites like the Soldier’s Plot, we aim to connect you with the rich tapestry of local history and pay homage to the brave individuals who shaped our nation. Join us in honoring their legacy and ensuring their sacrifices continue to inspire future generations.

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