3D Tours for Ephemeral Exhibits | Capture Visual Marketing

Museum Ephemeral Exhibits in Matterport 3D

Dreams & Memories Exhibit

Florence Griswold Museum

The Benefits of 3D Tours for Museums and Other Cultural Institutions

In recent years, the use of three-dimensional (3D) imaging technology has exploded in a number of different industries. And now, Cultural institutions can use 3D tours to provide an immersive experience for their guests, whether they are visiting in person or virtually. Here are just a few benefits of using 3D tours for museums and other cultural institutions. 

1. Improved Accessibility and Engagement

Museums and other cultural institutions can use 3D tours to improve accessibility and engagement with their exhibits and spaces. For example, people with disabilities or mobility issues can use 3D tours to explore your space without having to worry about stairs or other obstacles. Additionally, by providing a preview of your space through a 3D tour, you can pique the interest of potential visitors and encourage them to come see your exhibit in person. 

2. Enhancement to Curatorial Portfolios

As any curator knows, one of the best parts of the job is being able to look back on past projects and reflect on what went well – and what could have been done better. With 3D tours, curators now have the ability to document and archive their work in a way that was never before possible. In addition to providing a permanent record of an exhibit, 3D tours also offer the potential for feedback from viewers – which can be invaluable when planning future exhibitions.

3. Increased Confidence and Planning

Another benefit of using 3D tours is that they can help increase confidence and planning among potential visitors. When people are able to see what your space looks like ahead of time, they can begin planning their visit more confidently. This is especially useful for people who might need assistance when navigating your space in person. 

4. A Marketer’s Dream Come True

Search engine optimization (SEO) is always changing, but one thing remains constant: businesses must be where their customers are searching . And these days, potential customers are searching online – often using mobile devices . If you want potential customers to find your business, you need to have a strong digital presence. And one of the best ways to achieve this is by using 3D tours with Google Integration to showcase your products or services. Not only will this help potential customers find you more easily, but it will also give them a better sense of what you have to offer before they even step foot in your door.

5. The Future of Museum Experience

As 3D technology continues to evolve, so too will the way museums use it to engage with their audiences. We expect to see more museums using 3D tours to document and share temporary exhibits and installations. Additionally, we expect to see more use of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) to create even more immersive museum experiences.

There are many benefits that museums and other cultural institutions can enjoy by incorporating 3D tours into their exhibits and visitor experiences. If you are thinking about using 3D tours at your institution, keep these benefits in mind as you plan and implement your strategy!

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