3D Scanning for Museums

3D Scanning and AR/VR for Museums

How 3D Scanning Can Transform Your Historic / Museum Experience

As museums and other historic sites become more popular tourist destinations, the way people interact with them is changing. Are you keeping up? With 3D scanning services, you can augment your museum experience with AR/VR solutions, collect data on artifacts, create stunning online databases, and make your museum a more enriching place for visitors.

Curatorial Services

3D scanning services provide curators with the ability to create accurate representations of artifacts in their collection that can be used for research and educational purposes. By capturing detailed digital models of artifacts, curators can create an online database or virtual reality environment where visitors can explore the museum’s collection from anywhere in the world. This also allows curators to easily record information about each item for insurance purposes.


By incorporating 3D scanning into your marketing strategy, you can engage new visitors by providing an immersive experience both onsite and online. For example, you could use augmented reality to add an extra layer of entertainment to an exhibit or use virtual reality to transport visitors back in time to important historical moments. You could even create a digital tour of your museum’s most popular exhibits that visitors can explore from the comfort of their own home!

Education & Conservation

3D scanning services are not just limited to museums; they can also be used by conservationists and historians alike. By creating highly accurate renderings of cultural heritage sites or artifacts, we can create a “snapshot in time” that will keep a visual record over time. Similarly, 3D scans can help conservationists collect important data on artifacts or structures that might otherwise be lost forever due to natural degradation or neglect.

Whether you are looking to engage more visitors or preserve important cultural heritage sites, Capture Visual Marketing’s 3D scanning services have something for everyone! We offer highly accurate scans that will capture all the details necessary for educationally robust AR/VR solutions, stunning online databases, and even historical preservation initiatives. Contact us today to learn how we can help make your historic / museum a more enriching place!

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